
The law of attraction

The law of attraction 2022

The law of attraction is the natural law of the universe. According to, “Like Attracts Like” That is, when you focus on a particular thought, you start attracting other similar thoughts towards you. Thoughts have magnetic power, and they operate at their own particular frequency. So, they start attracting and totally impressing you with all the other similar ideas working on that frequency. You are the most powerful transmission tower in the universe. It is up to you what message you want to convey to destiny and what you want to receive from it.

The law of attraction

The law of attraction

The law of attraction

The law of attraction is the natural law of the universe. According to this, “Like attracts like” means that when you focus on one particular idea, you start attracting other similar thoughts towards you. Thoughts have magnetic power, and they operate at their own particular frequency. So, they start attracting all the other similar ideas working on that frequency and totally impressing you. You are the most powerful transmission tower in the universe. It is up to you what message you want to convey to destiny and what you want to receive from it.

Your present life is the result of the desires and thoughts you have made in your past and, as your thoughts are today, your future will be created. The essence of “the science of thought power” is that whatever you think or concentrate on, you get what you want, whether you want to or not. All the ideas that are similar to each other line up in the same direction and start taking object form. The formless begins to take shape.

Whatever relationship you are contemplating is like planning your future events. When you are praising someone, you are still making plans. You are planning even when you are worried about a particular topic. Worrying forces your imagination to do something that you would never want to happen in your life. Thus, every thought is an invitation to the world order or the universe, and nothing can happen in your life without an invitation from your thought power. And, trust me, the powerful is no exception to the Law of Attraction.

Thoughts full of fantasies attract similar things to reality. Meaning, your thoughts become even more powerful with the power of your accompanying imagination. Imaginations play a powerful role in turning ideas into reality. If you think of a goal about which you are half-hearted. It will take you more time to achieve this goal. But if you are fully excited emotionally, then you will achieve the goal very quickly. In other words, if your thoughts are the vehicle that drives you towards the goal, then your emotions are the fuel that powers this vehicle.

You are responsible for everything that happens in your life. On some level – conscious or unconscious, you have attracted every man, every thought, every disease, every joy, and every moment of pain into your life. Whatever you think and experience happens in your life without exception. It happens even if you don’t want it to happen.

To take better control of your life, try to divide your daily routine into departments. The best way to do this is to separate your home life, school life, personal life, and family life. Take care not to confuse your priorities with these.

This separation will help you in many ways. It will help you in reducing your stress level, increasing your thinking power, making you more effective and fertile. The most important thing about this separation is that it will make you mature naturally.

In our article on Rimtaj, we talked about” The law of attraction” Read also the article” Law of Attraction in Love and Marriage” for more details send me

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